Don’t you just love the different ways the Lord speaks to us? His is the still small voice that whispers to our spirit. And dreams! How many of you dream dreams? And more times than not, God will speak to me as I read the Bible. Such was the case a couple of days ago.
For months, I have been struggling with wanting to see my Facebook page and my blog grow into the thousands of followers, even hundreds of thousands! (Hey, when I dream, I dream BIG! 😀)
In today’s environment of cancel culture, shadow banning and censorship, it is so easy to fall into the enemy’s trap of desiring LIKES, COMMENTS and SHARES from my fellow man.
Rather than trusting that the Lord will see to it that whoever needs to see what I have posted will see it, I have taken to measuring the success of my ministry by the number of LIKES, COMMENTS and SHARES I get.
Who’s glory am I looking for? From man? Or from God?
For months, I have been inquiring of the Lord about SeekHisGoodness. Why isn’t it growing organically, Lord? This is Your site and Your page, Lord, why am I being shadow banned? And on and on, I go. 🙄
Well, I got my answer when the Lord led me to John 12:43 TPT: “For they loved the glory that men could give them rather than the glory that came from God!”
Forgive me Lord.
As I went about my day, the Lord kept this verse at the forefront of my spirit and my mind. I sensed there was a deeper understanding that was coming.
Then, late last night, this thought dropped into my spirit: Is this how spiritual or political leaders begin their fall from grace? Have they traded the Glory of God for the glory of man? Have they traded their righteousness for the ‘things of this world’?
Something to think about....and pray about.
When serving You, Lord, let me not take my eyes off You. More of You and less of me. Your Glory, not man’s. Thank you, Abba Father! You love me enough to correct me and are quick to forgive me.
“For they loved the glory that men could give them rather than the glory that came from God!” John 12:43 TPT
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 NIV
“Lord Yah, there’s such a blessing that comes when you teach us your Word and your ways. Even the sting of your correction can be sweet.” Psalm 94:12 TPT
“My child, when the Lord God speaks to you, never take his words lightly, and never be upset when he corrects you. For the Father’s discipline comes only from his passionate love and pleasure for you...”. Proverbs 3:11-12 TPT
Blessings to you , my friend

So good Angie.